The complex emotions of feeling like the 'other'16 Octubre - 31 Diciembre 2024 “OTHERNESS IS MY STRENGTH” suggests the idea that diversity or being different from the norm can be a source of strength or advantage. The term “otherness” typically signifies the state or quality of something or someone being different or distinct from others.
1. EMBRACING DIVERSITY: It may imply that a person sees their strength in diversity, whether it be diverse experiences, cultures, thoughts, or personalities. This diversity can contribute to a unique perspective or creativity.
2. CONFIDENCE IN UNIQUENESS: The person uttering this statement may believe that their unique qualities, diverging from the majority, are a source of strength. This could include the ability to understand and accept differences, as well as adaptability in var-
ious environments.
3. RESISTANCE TO CONFORMITY: It might suggest the individual’s stance against con- forming to societal norms and an assertion that their strength lies in rejecting conformity.
A powerful symbol of growth and fresh starts, the butterfly embodies the potential for transformation and the remarkable accomplishments attainable when we have faith in ourselves. Each of us possesses the capacity to heed our inner wisdom, navigate through challenging moments, and emerge from adversity as improved and more resilient individuals.
The butterfly is often chosen as a representation of transformation, beauty, renewal, optimism, liberation, perseverance, and love.
Each piece is available in an edition size of ten.
Commission a piece that is unique to you and your Otherness. Leer másFEMININE STRENGTH
A WOMEN'S SANCTUARY TO FEATURE EXHIBITION CELEBRATING THE FEMININE8 - 31 Marzo 2024 By Dora Derado Giljanović, PhD : 'While each side of a woman's nature represents a separate entity with different functions and discriminate knowledge, they must, like the brain with its corpus callosum, have a knowing or a translation of one another and therefore function as a whole. If a woman... Leer másLOVE WITHOUT BOUNDARIES
Group exhibition1 Febrero - 3 Marzo 2024 Immerse yourself in a collective narrative of boundless affection where the canvas is limitless. Journey through our group exhibition as love's vibrant hues blend with queries about its immutable nature. From February 1st to March 1st, 2024, our gallery's walls will speak to the intimate web of connections that unite us. Leer másWHISPERS FROM THE SKIES
SOLO EXHIBITION BY ARTIST LOREDANA MACOVEI5 Diciembre 2023 - 31 Enero 2024 Loredana Macovei's latest collection of cloud-inspired artworks, Whispers from the Skies : A Moment for Heavenly Rêverie, invites viewers to explore the dreamlike quality of clouds while revealing the complex interplay of colors, forms, and textures. Macovei's inspiration for this collection struck her while on an airplane, pondering the fact... Leer másARTIST IN HOUSE
VEW OF LIVE PAINTING23 - 31 Enero 2023 A unique chance to meet artist Anna Beatriz from Brazil, in excluisivity for the ELiTY Art community. Experience the captivating art of the artist first hand and get a chance to witness her painting process. Leer másCREATIVE MINDS BREAKING BOUNDARIES
28 Septiembre - 31 Diciembre 2022 This inaugural exhibition is based on our continuous discovery that in a world of assets, credentials, amenities, social status and all kinds of other associations, there is a sort of unwritten convention that unless you have permission as well as the correct tools or proper approval, then participating in certain... Leer más