OTHERNESS: The complex emotions of feeling like the 'other'

16 Octubre - 31 Diciembre 2024

Otherness—the newest series of digital prints by artist Josip Mijić—speaks to this feeling which can at times be understood as isolation from others (by choice or not) as well as a proud individualism. Otherness has two sides: the more positive including a sense of joy and self-confidence in being different and, on the contrary, the feeling of being the Other—an outcast, alone, misunderstood.

Josip is exploring new territory in his artistic journey by combining his visual art and graphic design skills for the first time. In his Otherness series, he steps out of his comfort zone by incorporating vibrant colors and using his graphic design expertise for artistic expression. Through these prints, Josip aims to capture attention with a central symbol of a butterfly, conveying the message that embracing one's uniqueness is empowering.
The butterfly in the prints represents transformation, growth, and freedom, while also symbolizing a sense of being frozen in time. By offering both color and black-and-white versions of the prints, Josip highlights the dual nature of self and otherness, encouraging viewers to consider different perspectives on the concept of Otherness.
Despite the various interpretations of Otherness, Josip's overarching message remains consistent: embracing one's uniqueness can be a source of strength. By celebrating the diversity of selves and others, we can break down barriers and appreciate the beauty of individuality.